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  Pirections.Ther ar: 15 incomplete sentences in this part, Jou are reqired to complete each ome by decrding on the most appropriate word orworks from the 4 choices marked A,8,. and then you should erite the letter in the corresponding space on the Ansver Sheet.

  1. Los Angeles is really a fascinating city and they have decided to stay for three days

  A. the other B. Other C. Another D. others

  2. Salt also played an important part population movement and world exploration.

  A. at B. in C. for D. by

  3. The old houses have been pulled down to the museum to be built next year. A. make use ofB. make way ofC. take control of Dtake part in

  4. Having no one elsehim with the work, he had to put it off till later

  A. help B. Helped c. helping D. to help

  5.-I'm sorry, but smoking is not allowed here

  -Sorry;Ithat. I'll put it out right now

  A. didn' t know B don't know C. hayen't know D. wouldn' t know

  6. you really need it, it is better not to use free Wi-Fi.

  A BecauseB.SinceC.Unless D.When



上一篇:第一页 下一篇:2023年北京高职自主招生英语复习试题(二)


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